Friday, May 3, 2013


Happy Friday, everyone!

1. The requisite adorable baby picture. He started doing this thing where he shows me his bottom gums... maybe teeth are on the way? It's so cute :)

2. My hair is finally long enough for curls, and I'm loving it!

3. I signed up for the Color Run 5K with my bestie! It's my first 5k, and I'm really excited! Let the training commence!

4. I finally gave up on my iPhone 4, and got a Samsung Galaxy S4... I like it, but it's definitely taking some getting used to. We'll see if it lasts or if I hop back on board the Apple train :)

5. Meatloaf cupcakes with mashed potato frosting and peas sprinkles. Because food should be fun!!

How was your week?

Linking up with Lauren from The Lauren Elizabeth

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1 comment:

  1. Oohhh he is such a cutie!! Your hair looks incredible...loving those curls! So much fun about your color run...I've heard those are incredible!
