Happy Friday, everyone!
1. The requisite adorable baby picture. He started doing this thing where he shows me his bottom gums... maybe teeth are on the way? It's so cute :)
2. My hair is finally long enough for curls, and I'm loving it!
3. I signed up for the Color Run 5K with my bestie! It's my first 5k, and I'm really excited! Let the training commence!
4. I finally gave up on my iPhone 4, and got a Samsung Galaxy S4... I like it, but it's definitely taking some getting used to. We'll see if it lasts or if I hop back on board the Apple train :)
5. Meatloaf cupcakes with mashed potato frosting and peas sprinkles. Because food should be fun!!
How was your week?
Linking up with Lauren from The Lauren Elizabeth
Oohhh he is such a cutie!! Your hair looks incredible...loving those curls! So much fun about your color run...I've heard those are incredible!