Oh boy, has this week been a doozy. D is cutting his top two teeth, which is SO. MUCH. WORSE. than the bottom two teeth. He has been waking up screaming 5 or 6 times every night, allll week. It's awesome timing, as my hubby just started his new job, and there's nothing quite like waking up for a new job after being up all night with a screaming baby. Not to mention, my hubs started a project on his car, rendering it un-drivable for the week, so he's been taking my car, which means we've been stranded at the house all week. All in all, not the best week.
But, as I'm still waiting to hear from several interviews I went to, I'm trying to soak up what could be the last few days of staying home with my boy. I'm so glad I'm here with him when he's feeling this bad, rather than him being at daycare.
Since we aren't able to go anywhere this week, I'm having to be creative with our routine. Usually, I try to go out at least once a day, just to get out of the house. Since we aren't able to do that, I am trying to do outside time everyday. Even though it's been pretty chilly, I try to get us out for a few minutes every day. The way my parent's house is set up, there's not a big enough space for D to use his walker, so I took him out into the garage/driveway. He was confused for a few minutes, then totally got the hang of it. It was pretty cute.
In other news, he has totally mastered feeding himself, as well as drinking his juice with no help, this week. He is eating pretty much anything we have for dinner, and doing really well! More than anything, this has made me realize just how fast he's growing up! He doesn't need me to eat anymore! I can't believe he'll be ONE year old in just 2 months.... so crazy.
I am SO GLAD tomorrow is Friday. The Fall Festival is Saturday, and we have plans to go with the whole family. We plan to get D his first pumpkin, and enjoy some good fall festivities. I'm so looking forward to it! It'll be great to get out of the house and spend some time with the family, after this crazy week!!