Monday, September 23, 2013

Weekend Recap

I had big, idealistic plans for this weekend. I was going to ring in the start of fall with lots of autumnal activities... yet, here I sit, on Sunday night, eating dark chocolate and having accomplished nothing this weekend!

Friday, during our trip to McDonald's Pass, we ran into a big herd of cows, which for some reason was really exciting to me!! Montana is a free range state, meaning that it's legal for cattle to graze anywhere they want, they don't have to be behind a fence. If a cow is in the middle of the road, and you happen to hit it, then it's your fault and you have to pay the rancher for the cow!! So I was pretty excited to finally see the wandering cows in action :)

On Saturday, I had every intention of going to the Farmer's Market. I absolutely love Farmer's Markets; I love to people watch, browse handmade items and simply being outside. I ended up at Walmart instead. Tell me, how does one do that? Walmart, on a Saturday? It's like I was asking for a nervous breakdown. I barely made it out alive with my chili ingredients. As soon as I got home, I got that delicious chili simmering, and that was all she wrote, for the whoooole day. I do so love a good lounge day :)

D discovered Sesame Street, and is quite a fan!

Sunday, we tried a new church! I was impressed, it was D's second time in the nursery and he did great. The service was contemporary, the message was heartfelt, and I felt so welcomed by many people! When I went to get D, he was snuggled up, fast asleep in this nice little old woman's arms. It was the cutest thing... suffice to say he enjoyed church too! I'm excited to get more involved.

And finally, we found D's costume for Halloween! I was having such a hard time decided what I wanted him to be, and I happened to be browsing this little upscale baby consignment store while Hubs and my Dad were obsessing over mountain bikes next door, and I found the cutest little duck costume! We always call D "baby goose" because he makes this hilarious noise that sounds exactly like a goose honk... so I think a duck is pretty fitting! Here's a little sneak peek...

And that was it for the weekend! Not very productive, but it's always fantastic to spend time with my little family. 

How was your weekend??


  1. Glad you all found a church! That will help make it feel like home. I love duck costume too!

  2. Sometimes unproductive weekends are the best ones. Quality time and relaxation are always high on my list. Love the adorable duck costumer!
