Tuesday, May 14, 2013
regularly scheduled programming
Have a great Tuesday!!
Monday, May 13, 2013
Weekend Recap
What a great weekend! On Friday, I had a hard time sleeping, so I ended up going for a sunrise run. It was so beautiful and I inspirational, I wish I could get up that early every day!
My hubs was off work Friday, so we spent the day doing little chores around the house. I got a patio set for Mother's day, so he put that together and we spent the afternoon on the patio, playing in the baby pool with D.
Saturday was spent getting things ready for our yard sale...tons of work, but I am SO excited to get rid of some of this stuff! An organized home is a happy home :)
Sunday, of course, was my first Mother's day! Hubs gave me the best gift by getting up with D and letting me catch up on some much needed sleep. A rested mommy is a happy mommy! My own mommy was moving across the country, so I didn't get to talk to her much, but I've got a special present on it's way for her!
It was also our dating anniversary...together 8 years! We left D with a babysitter for the first time and went out to celebrate. It wasn't as nervewracking as I expected, and we were only gone about 2 hours. It was so great to spend some quality time with Hubs and recharge our batteries a bit.
Weekends like this make me realize how blessed my life is :) Things may not be perfect, but I've never been happier and I wouldn't change a thing!
How was your weekend?
Friday, May 10, 2013
high five, baby
A short post today, because my husband is off work, it's a beautiful 85 degrees, and we are spending the whole day together! That's enough of a high five for me :)
And a super high five to Annamarie R., winner of the Tadpole Togs store credit giveaway! Kelly will contact you directly :)
Also, a huge apology for the glitch with the comments section. I've got it fixed, so hopefully it won't happen again!
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, May 9, 2013
a little more bookworm
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
guest post & a GIVEAWAY!
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
am i getting through? hello??
Are any of you moms out there using ASL with your baby? Are you having success, or difficulty?
(PS. Check back tomorrow! We're having our first GIVEAWAY!!!)
Friday, May 3, 2013
Thursday, May 2, 2013
15 things nobody told me about being a mom
2. Talking about poop will no longer be taboo, and I will bring it up at inappropriate times, like during lunch, without a second thought. Sorry in advance.
3. Speaking of poop, I will never again be able to confidently lick chocolate off my fingers.
4. Nothing in this world is more interesting, funny, or cute as my child. He is brilliant and will probably be a child prodigy of some sort. No argument.
5. People will get unbelievably annoyed at the obscene amount of pictures I post of the baby on Instagram and Facebook. See # 4.
6. Logistics will begin to rule my brain. Such as, "How will I eat this large and messy sandwich while holding this squirming baby with a bottle in his mouth, and does he need a diaper change, and how will I fit his stroller in the stall?". Multitasking is key. Also, a third arm would be helpful.
7. 9:00 PM is LATE.
8. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is as good as that little boy wrapping his arms around my neck like he'll never let go. He won't have to, because I will always be within arm's reach.
9. I will feel constantly guilty that I'm not working and contributing financially to our household, but the thought of going back to work and putting D in daycare will cause that guilt to multiply by like, a gazillion. It's a no-win situation. I now grasp the concept of "mommy guilt".
10. Diaper genies are death traps, specifically conceived to torture the fragile minds of overworked, exhausted mothers at 4 am.
11. Everything you will feed your baby is disgusting. Those moms that say they try everything their baby eats first? Yeah. Good for you. Formula and rice cereal are probably the nastiest things I've ever tasted.
12. At least once a day, I desperately wish for a kangaroo pouch. It'd be so much easier to just stuff him in a skin pocket than try to strap myself in the baby carrier contraption or unfold the spaceship that is our stroller. Now that I say it out loud, it's kind of strange to wish for a skin pouch and a third arm, but there ya go. Pregnancy does the most ridiculous things to your body, so why can't it add in some helpful additional appendages?
13. Every cough, sneeze, or sniffle is probably cholera. Or malaria. Or dysentery. Your pediatrician's phone number will be on speed dial.
14. Every milestone your child hits feels like winning a gold medal and the Nobel Prize, while eating an ice cream sundae atop a unicorn. It's a good feeling.
15. You will wonder what your life possibly could have meant before this tiny little person came into the world?