Monday, September 30, 2013

Weekend Recap

Happy Monday, everyone! We had an awesome, albeit chilly, weekend here in Montana.

Friday, I had a job interview! It went really well and I'm really excited about it- it seems like a great place to work. We also interviewed a daycare, and found someplace we feel comfortable with. I'm still probably going to bawl like, well, like a baby! But we all agree that it's time for D to get some more socialization, and Momma too!

Sunday, we went to a Scarecrow Festival at Tizer Botanical Gardens, which is about 30 minutes away. They had pumpkin painting, live music, a scarecrow making contest, and a bonfire! Although it was really neat, it was pretty chilly and D was sooo not interested. He had just woken up from a nap and was completely unimpressed. It was such a neat place though, I'd love to go back when it is warmer so we can really explore! We ended up heading home, chilled to the bone and smelling of woodsmoke... all in all, not a bad way to end the weekend! We spent the rest of the night having dinner and spending time with the family. It was a great weekend!

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